
Ryan Joseph

ryan . rdj . joseph @ |


Masters in Computer Science, University of Vermont, May 2022

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Minor in Economics at the University of Vermont, May 2021

Technical Skills#

  • Language Experience with:
    • Java
    • TypeScript
    • SQL
    • Python
  • AWS, particularly CDK managed microservices
  • Proficient with Linux/Unix-like operating systems

Work Experience#

Software Development Engineer II#

Audible Inc, August 2022 - Present

  • General backend cloud devops work on several different codebases/services to deliver features for Audible’s voice search experience across Alexa, iOS, and Android
  • Spearheaded cross-organizational development work, working in another team’s codebase to deliver an updated app author page which was projected to generate $1MM/yr annualized revenue
    • Developed documentation & onboarding protocols for future away team developers, to relieve labor bottleneck for search team features

Software Consultant#

Ali House For Ward 8, Burlington VT, February - April 2022

  • Development/maintenance of a website for a local city council campaign
  • Data cleaning & organization

Research Assistant#

University of Vermont, June 2020 - June 2021

  • Full-stack development of a website to assist in the citizen-science crowdsourcing of novel golomb patterns, as part of a research project to collect known golomb patterns and find new ones.

Software Intern/Junior Dev#

Pro EMS Solutions, Summer 2019

  • Sole developer for a client-server Electron desktop application that handled database access to ambulance call records for dispatchers
  • Collaborated with management to design custom software solutions for a variety of other business issues

Teaching Assistant for Systems Programming#

University of Vermont, Spring 2020 - May 2021

  • Assisted students in learning the C programming language, & systems programming concepts

© {2020}